Service from A - Z

Service from A - Z

Live carefree and safe

In our service from A-Z you can find out everything about the counseling, the transport service to the day care and the pastoral care in our facility.

In our day care Haus Mariengarten we offer our guests or relatives a comprehensive and free consultation. This includes the possibilities of individual help and support. This can be, for example, additional outpatient care for the home or - if the state of health deteriorates - an inpatient care center.

We also provide information on the diverse and differentiated benefits provided by the nursing care insurance fund in the various life situations. Because it is not always easy to understand the complicated regulations. We bring light into the darkness and stand by the side of our guests and their relatives.


We want them to feel at home in our day care and also to be brought home well again. That is why our day care Haus Mariengarten at St. Josef Hospital Moers offers a driving service. This way they are always safe on the road.

We coordinate the times at which our guests are brought to day care and back home individually with them or their relatives.


Our guests at the Haus Mariengarten day care center at St. Josef Hospital in Moers belong to different faith and religious communities. This is because the GFO is a cosmopolitan association.

Our guests experience the rituals and encounters that are important for their spirituality in their local communities. We support these existing connections, but also offer our own spiritual offerings in day care, which can be used at personal request.

For example, our own chapel is available to us as a spiritual space, but also as a place of rest and retreat. We are also happy to put you in touch with pastors who are available for talks and spiritual support.