Book day care

Book day care

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We are here for you

GFO Center Moers Day Care Mariengarten Josefstraße 30 47441 Moers

Tel.: 02841 107-12221

Book day care

We offer a total of 14 places in our day care Haus Mariengarten at St. Josef Hospital Moers for people who need support and have a desire for company and community.

Are you interested in our day care? We are pleased about that. Then it can go on like this for you: As a first step, please contact us. We will then give you a free, non-binding consultation on all aspects of our day care. We will take time for you and you can ask your questions.

We offer our potential guests the possibility of a trial day. If you are interested in our day care, you can try out our offer in a very concrete and practical way.